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  • Contemporary Issues    
  • Border disputes
  • Economic Rivarly
  • Strategic Relations


India-China relations dates back to more than 2,000 years ago , but the modern relationship began at 1950 when india became one of the first countries to end formal ties with the Republic of china and recognize the PRC as the legitimate government of mainland china.

On April 1,1950 China and India established diplomatic relations. India was the first non-socialist country to establish relations with the people's Republic of china. ''Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai '' has become a catchphrase from that time and a much-told story in the history of bilateral exchanges.

In 1954, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai visited India.China and India signed the jointly advocated the five principles of peaceful coexistence. In the same year, India prime minister Nehru visited China. He was the first head of government of non-socialist country who visited china since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 1955, Prime minister Nehru attended the Asian-African Conference in china with Zhou Enali .Which 29 countries participated in Bandung,Indonesia.Jointly advocated the Spirit of solidarity,friendship and cooperation.

In 1962, the border conflict led to a serious set back in bilateral relations.

 In 1988, Indian Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi visited China,initiating the process of normalization of bilateral relations . The two sides agreed to ''Look Forward '' and develop bilateral relations actively in other fields while seeking a mutually acceptable solution to boundary question.

In 1991, Premier Li Peng visited India. The Prime Minister level mutual visits were restored after decades of supension.

In 1992, India President R.Venkataraman visited china.He was the first President who visited china since the independence of the Republic  of india.

In 1993, Indian Prime minister Narasimha rao visited china.Agreement between the government of china and the government of india on the Maintance of Peace and Tranquility along the Line of Actual Control in the India- China Border was signed.

In 1996, President jiang Zemin visited India. He was the first head of state from china who visited India since the establishment of bilateral ties.Both sides agreed to built a constructive partnership of cooperation orinted towards the 21st century. Agreement between the Government of china and the government of india on confidence Building Measures in the military Field along the line of Actual control in the India-china Border Areas was signed.

In 2000,India President K R Narayana visited China on the occasion of the 50th annivesary of the establlishment of diplomatic ties between China and  India.

In 2002,Premier Zhu Rongji visited India. Both sides agreed to enchance mutual understanding and trust and promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

In 2003, Indiaan Prime minister Vajpayee visited China. The two sides signed The Declaration on the Principles and comprehensive Cooperation in China-India Relations,and agreed to establish the special representatives meeting mechanism on India-China boundary question.

In 2005,Premier Wen Jiabao visited India. China and India signed the Joint Statement and declared the establishment of the strategic and cooperative patnership for peace and prosperity. The two sides welcomed signing of the Agreement on the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the settlement of the India-China Boundary Question.

In 2006, President Hu Jintao visited India. The two sides signed a Joint Declaration to formulate the ten-pronged strategy for deeping the strategic and cooperative partnership.








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